Begin Your Wellness Journey With Us

Begin Your Wellness Journey With Us

At Evergreen Natural Medicine, our physicians offer a wide range of services for patients of all ages.  We offer both primary care services and specialized services.

General Care:

  • Routine physical exams
  • Laboratory blood testing (including specialized tests such as Food Sensitivity, Urine Heavy Metals, Organic Acids, Mold, Environmental toxins, Hormones, etc.)
  • Annual gynecological exams, including PAP smears
  • Skin checks for concerns with changing moles
  • Acute Care for cold/flu, rashes, ear infections, upper respiratory infections, yeast infections, and urinary tract infections.

Specialized Care and Services:

  • Holistic Pelvic Care (HPC), a targeted form of physical therapy that is especially useful for women who struggle with urinary incontinence or are recovering from child birth.
  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy, particularly useful at countering the effects of menopause and male low testosterone.  Prescriptions are individually created and compounded for patients.
  • Fertility Support, individualized programs to support both males and females facing fertility challenges.
  • Visceral Manipulation, a hands-on therapy that corrects for acid reflux, hiatal hernia, and other digestive disorders, provides pain relief, reduces muscle tension, and promotes improved blood flow in tissues and increased body range of motion.
  • IV Therapy: Vitamin, Mineral, and Amino acid infusions to quickly promote changes in health.
  • Therapeutic Ultrasound is effective for addressing a myriad of acute and chronic musculoskeletal conditions.
  • Diathermy can be employed to treat acute and chronic lung/chest congestion.
  • Sauna Therapy is available for those seeking supportive detoxification due to mold and other environmental toxicities.
  • Minor Surgery can be scheduled to address lipomas, sebaceous cysts, epidermal cysts, skin tags, warts, and other masses.
  • Targeted Herbal, Nutritional, and Pharmaceutical Therapies to address conditions such as:
    • Gastrointestinal disorders (IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Colitis, Celiac Disease, and Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth),
    • Cardiovascular disorders (high cholesterol, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rate and rhythms, and hardening of the arteries),
    • Sex hormone imbalances (menopause, PCOS, PMS, low testosterone, and infertility),
    • Other hormone imbalances (thyroid and adrenal),
    • Metabolic Disorders (Diabetes and Obesity)
  • Weight Management including specialized diets, individualized exercise programs, hormone balancing, and elimination of food sensitivities.
  • Mood Management Techniques such as EFT, dietary strategies, relaxation techniques, and individualized supplements and herbs.